First time in a long time, Denise is not hungry at this hour. Okay, that was so random but who cares. Okay folks, I'm kind of cranky now. It's like this flow of adrenaline that rushes through your body and the next, it's gone.
I feel like traveling all of a sudden. Get a yacht and sail across the ocean and stop by little islands that you didn't know, existed. One thing that kills that thought is that I can't swim, so if anything that goes wrong or unexpectedly happen while I'm sailing across the ocean... I'll probably panic, jump off the boat and die.
Bloody hell, I should have just learnt swimming back then.
Anyway! Have you heard about one of Barbie's rivals? No? I tell you, it's omg-wtf. I can accept the butch dolls and all, but tiny TOY dildos/vibrators?! That's just weird and scary. Though, I'm really amused by this whole thing. If you wish to know more about them, please proceed to for more details. Truth be told, it's kind of cool in a way... it's not like the ken/barbie dolls where they are perfect in every way. It's different.
Pardon my unusual outburst, I told you I'm feeling cranky today. I have many more interesting stuff that I want to type but I'm not in the mood to type a novel for this entry. I shall scoot off and do my little boring things I do on nights like these, which is watching TV and bumming around on my wheelie-chair chatting with friends on msn.
Alright kids, time for the master of this blog to sign off. Good day (:
much love
2:13 AM