Thursday, June 29, 2006//

Hello all (:

I don't know what to type about and I can't really be bothered about blogging nowadays because school just started, and I'm too damn tired to do anything when I'm online.

So, let's see what happened recently. . .

Our test results were out for Journalism 1 and Media and Society. Both sucked, but Med Soc was Fucked up (that's what Fred and Sarah said) or in a nicer way, Fantastic. We all stood there and we 'comforted' each other with laughter and whatnots, along with the rest of the classmates. Hahahha.

Oh well, I'll just have to put in extra effort to pull the stupid grade up since I lost the whole 20% and hopefully assignments go well and I don't have to mourn further.

I've yet to finish my Typography assignment and I'm still at the letter 'd' since 5 hours ago. I like creating fonts but it's annoying if you have to do it from the letter 'a' to the letter 'z'. Crazy boy.

Okay, boring stuff I'm updating so yeah. Ciao!

much love
12:05 AM

Saturday, June 24, 2006//

I shall update on the class outing now because I'm still high over Clorets! Hahahah.

It was quite sad that only 12 of us managed to turn up today but we still had fun. Met up with the classmates at Plaza Sing there. We decided to watch the movie "The King and the Clown" and before that, we had like 2 hours to spare, so we had lunch at Swensons. Talked about shitloads of stuff and Mr yong was crazy, as usual.

Anyway, he treated us to the movie! Then we took pictures and walked round PS. Oh, the Lego shop is so freaking interesting. I got excited over the tiny Lego people - Batman, Star Wars, etc. Lego has evolved a hell lot.

Okay, I'm side-tracking a little so anyway;

The movie. Well, it's ooookay. The humour is there because the plays were just like omgwth and the King was very much mentally unsound. The downside was, all of us didn't get the ending and having to think about the story and read the subtitles was tiring. The guy in the movie looked exactly like a girl though.

Everyone pretty much left after, leaving Meiting, Derek, Orgy, Freeman and me. Had dinner at Carls' Jr and Derek went home. Meiting went to buy her Hooch and I bought famous amos even though I still had the risk of losing my voice again.

Headed down to the Esplanade and just lazed around upstairs. Orgy was drowning himself with Clorets and pretending to get high, making me addicted to Clorets. Then I knocked down Meiting's Hooch by accident and it 'stained' her skirt, but thankfully we washed and dried it off quick. We took off after I spotted millions of cockroaches crawling on the floor!

Stopped by at the side of the river area. Clorets made Orgy and I, really high. Meiting and Freeman probably had a fit laughing at us acting all girlfriend, his new creation of lingerie and so on. Meiting almost killed him. Hahhaha.

Loads more of stuff to type, but I have to start on my Med Soc assignment like, NOW. It's due on Monday and I've yet to start.

Dammit boy.

much love
12:06 AM

Friday, June 23, 2006//

I can't believe I woke up at 9.30 in the morning just to sign up for CDS. And now I shall head back to sleep for another half an hour, before I have to wake up for the class outing later (:

Good Night.

much love
10:30 AM

Sunday, June 18, 2006//

It's Father's Day everyone!

Sadly, I'm not a really good daughter who actually bothers about Mother's Day/Father's Day. Why? Beats me.

Anyway, Happy Father's Day, Dad. That crazy man never fails to amuse me - Chasing my mom and attacking her unexpectedly; Drinking live ants in coffee all the time (gross & he was blind not to see them); Asking me where his glasses were when he's clearly wearing them; Telling me all the stupid things he did with his friends; Controlling my head using his hand in the middle of the ROAD; How he thanked god he didn't marry his ex-girlfriend because er, yah; Stuff he did to my mom like pretending to die, & so on and so forth. And that's not even 1/4 of it.

Nonetheless, I love him loadsss.

So moving on. Today or was it yesterday, was Ah Meng's birthday. You know, the orang utan in the Zoo. My mom insists that's her long lost pet, so does my mom's whole family. They even have pictures of it when it was younger. My mom said she'll get the pictures and let me see it. That was an interesting conversation my parents and I had today.

Can you believe how damn cool their childhood was? They had a bear, a HUGE python, monkeys and etc, as their 'pets'?! My mom told me how her monkey (some skinny-small and rare one) used to rock her sister in this carriage-like thing, and how the monkey always ran to them whenever he was feeling itchy and they had to scratch it for him. It's so cute. However, he died young because he sort of hung himself while he was sleeping.

How I love stories like that...

And till next time, Bye!

much love
11:49 PM

Saturday, June 17, 2006//

The world is seriously very small; Or perhaps its just Singapore.

I'm falling sick and my throat feels as though a hamster has been hibernating in there since yesterday. There's something creepy going on in my house/room. I think I'm just being overly paranoid that I'll start imagining things but...

And I should just stop.

I'm getting old, I just know it. 20 years down the road, I'll probably be looking at my own reflection and wondering whether my name is Denkin or Demise.

What, you say? Don't ask.

The 3-days, 2-night chalet is on Monday and it'll be fun. I just realised that the Med Soc Individual assignment is due on the first day school starts! Now, that's good to know. Since life has been seemingly stable, I think I can finish that assignment on time.

Next week is fully packed with the chalet, outing to the Zoo with the classmates & Mr. Yong and projects/assignments... It's waaaay crazy.

Enough about me, let's talk about you.

......(insert conversation here)......

And so life goes on, till next time kids!

much love
10:00 PM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006//

First time in a long time, Denise is not hungry at this hour. Okay, that was so random but who cares. Okay folks, I'm kind of cranky now. It's like this flow of adrenaline that rushes through your body and the next, it's gone.

I feel like traveling all of a sudden. Get a yacht and sail across the ocean and stop by little islands that you didn't know, existed. One thing that kills that thought is that I can't swim, so if anything that goes wrong or unexpectedly happen while I'm sailing across the ocean... I'll probably panic, jump off the boat and die.

Bloody hell, I should have just learnt swimming back then.

Anyway! Have you heard about one of Barbie's rivals? No? I tell you, it's omg-wtf. I can accept the butch dolls and all, but tiny TOY dildos/vibrators?! That's just weird and scary. Though, I'm really amused by this whole thing. If you wish to know more about them, please proceed to for more details. Truth be told, it's kind of cool in a way... it's not like the ken/barbie dolls where they are perfect in every way. It's different.

Pardon my unusual outburst, I told you I'm feeling cranky today. I have many more interesting stuff that I want to type but I'm not in the mood to type a novel for this entry. I shall scoot off and do my little boring things I do on nights like these, which is watching TV and bumming around on my wheelie-chair chatting with friends on msn.

Alright kids, time for the master of this blog to sign off. Good day (:

much love
2:13 AM

Sunday, June 11, 2006//

Look, it's the holidays!

Besides the fact that there are tons of projects/assignments to do, I'm happy that we have a break away from lectures and tutorials for the next two weeks.

And I'm feeling hungry so I'm gonna eat and eat and eat.

Is that all I'm going to type?

Yup, pretty much. So bye!

much love
11:38 PM

Sunday, June 04, 2006//

It's been a splendid day. Birds shadowing the sky in the early morn and clouds scattered across the sky - painting a picture. Now, it's dark and in about 2 hours time, it'll be another day. And then, we can officially say hello to the mid-term tests. Oh the little people are just jumping for joy in my head.

Everyone has been hardcore studying since Friday or maybe earlier. Almost everyone, but me. I only started this 'hardcore' studying today or just now, which is really last minute, as usual. Hopefully things go well tomorrow and that my goldfish memory does not decide to block my thoughts at that moment of time.

Well, looking on the brighter side of things, I only have 2 tests to study for - Media and Society and Journalism. Thank god both don't require any mathematics or scientific formulas. Though I think that the Journalism test is not going to be my cup of tea, and I'll be struggling when I have to study for it. As much as I love writing, the theory parts kind of bugs me.

So kids, moving on to other greater things in life... Let's go on about one of the models that I have studied today. We have the basic model, Shannon-Weaver model which has 5 processes: Human stimulation that results in a thought, followed by encoding the thought into a message, then the transmission of the message which then decodes the message into a thought and lastly, internalizing of the message.

Got no idea what that was all about?

That's media and society for you.

much love
10:12 PM

Friday, June 02, 2006//

Oh what the hell.

much love
11:38 PM


denise de cruz
she is hungry


singing the same song over & over again


ling yu


i'll think about what to put here later

Say It


March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006

Many Thanks

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